
 76. patronage n.贊助

- The charity enjoys the patronage of many prominent local business people.

patron n.顧客,贊助者

- Will patrons kindly note that this restaurant will be closed on 17 July.

77. prominent a.重要的

- The government should be playing a more prominent role in promoting human rights.

imminent a.緊急的

eminent a.卓越的,著名的

dominant a.主導的、有優勢的、顯性的(基因)

- Unemployment will be a dominant issue at the next election.

- The gene for brown eyes is dominant.

recessive a.隱性的(基因)

recession n.經濟衰退

- The country is sliding into the depths of recession.

78. entice v.誘使

A smell of coffee in the doorway enticed people to enter the shop.

79. surcharge n.附加費用

- A surcharge may be made for deliveries outside normal hours.

recharge v.充電

charge v.收費,控告,充電 n.費用,控告,負責

- The bank charged commission to change my traveller's cheques.

overcharge v.超收費用

The gift shop in Paris overcharged me by $30.

80. rate n.費用(隨時間有波動)

->room rate n.房價

admission n.入場費(博物館,展覽等等)

commision n.回扣,手續費

fee n.費用

->registration fee n.註冊費

->entrance fee n.入場費

->towing fee n.拖吊費

fare n.費用(交通工具)

->airfare n.飛機票價

charge n.收費

bill n.水電費,帳單

->utility bills n.水電費帳單

81. clearance n. 清除,批准,清倉拍賣

- We bought our new carpet at a clearance sale.

- To visit the prison, you'll need security clearance.

82. line n.行、隊伍、邊界、電話線、立場、台詞 v.沿著...排成一排

a line of trees

- I had to wait/stand in line for three hours to get tickets.

- For many television viewers the dividing line between fact and fiction is becoming increasingly blurred.

- The government's official line has always been to refuse to negotiate with terrorists.

- I only had two lines in the whole play.

- Thousands of people lined the streets to watch the presidential procession pass by.

83. liable a.有法律責任的,很有可能的

- The law holds parents liable if a child does not attend school.

liability n.法律上的責任或義務

- He denies any liability for the damage caused.

liabilities n.負債

84. resume v.重新開始,恢復

- The talks are due to resume today.

résumé n.摘要、履歷

She gave us a brief résumé of the project so far.

assume v.假設,冒充,擔任,呈現

- The new president assumes office at midnight tonight.

consume v.消耗、花費

- Our high living standards cause our current population to consume 25 percent of the world's oil.

presume v.假設、推斷

- I presume (that) they're not coming, since they haven't replied to the invitation.

85. breach n.違反

- He was sued for breach of contract.

- There have been serious security breaches.

86. consensus n.共識

Could we reach a consensus on this matter?

87. contain v.包含,限制

- I lost a file containing a lot of important documents.

- Farms in the area have been closed off in an attempt to contain the disease.

containment n.阻止

Containment of crowd violence was the police's main concern.

confine v.限制、禁閉

- By closing the infected farms we're hoping to confine the disease to the north of the region.

- The hostages had been confined for so long that they couldn't cope with the outside world.

refine v.改善、精煉

- Engineers spent many months refining the software.

- Crude oil is industrially refined to purify it and separate out the different elements, such as benzene.

retain v.保留

- He managed to retain his dignity throughout the performance.

detain v.拘留

- A suspect has been detained by the police for questioning.

sustain v.維持、供養

- He seems to find it difficult to sustain relationships with women.

- The soil in this part of the world is not rich enough to sustain a large population.

88. edge n.邊緣、優勢

- The company is on the edge of collapse.

- In terms of experience, she definitely had the edge over the other people that we interviewed.

on edge a.不安的、躁動的

- Is something wrong? You seem a bit on edge this morning.

89. overhead n.經常性費用、營運費用

- Many businesses are moving out of New York because the overheads there are so high.

headcount n.人數

- Times were hard, and the company was unwilling to increase the headcount.

headset n.耳機(附有麥克風)

90. call off v.取消

- Tomorrow's match has been called off because of the icy weather.

call by v.順道拜訪

- I just thought I'd call by on my way into town.

drop by v.順道拜訪
Drop by and pick up that book sometime.

stop by v.順道拜訪
- I was passing your house, so I thought I'd stop by for a chat.

call for v.要求
- Members have called for his resignation.

91. refer v.提及、與...有關
- In her autobiography she occasionally refers to her unhappy schooldays.
- The new salary scale only refers to company managers and directors.

infer v.推論
- I inferred from her expression that she wanted to leave.

confer v.商討、授予
- I need some time to confer with my lawyer.
- An honorary doctorate was conferred on him by Columbia University.

defer v.推遲、延後
- My bank has agreed to defer the repayments on my loan.

deter v.阻止

- High prices are deterring many young people from buying houses.

92. erratic a.無規律的、不確定的

- She can be very erratic; one day she is friendly and the next she'll hardly speak to you.

93. paradoxical a.自相矛盾的

paradox n.似是而非的言論、悖論

contradictory a.相互矛盾的

- I keep getting contradictory advice - some people tell me to keep it warm and some tell me to put ice on it.

94. incoherent a.語無倫次的、表達不清的

- The talk she gave was incoherent and badly prepared.

95. overlook v.俯瞰
- The balcony overlooks the river.

look over v.檢查
- Would you quickly look over these figures for me and see if there are any obvious mistakes?

oversee v.監督
- As marketing manager, her job is to oversee all the company's advertising.

oversight n.疏失、監督
- They claimed it was simply an oversight.

overhear v.無意間聽到
- I overheard a very funny conversation on the bus this morning.

96. proofread v.校對
- Often writers have no experience of editing and proofreading their text.

97. scaffold(ing) n.鷹架、斷頭台

98. microscope n.顯微鏡

99. intermediate a.中等的、中間的、中途的
- This novel is too difficult for intermediate students of English.
intermittent a.間歇的
- Although she made intermittent movie appearances, she was essentially a stage actress.
intermission n. 幕間休息時間、中場休息

100. drill n.電鑽、練習、演練 v.鑽、練習
- We watched the soldiers drilling on the parade ground.

grill n.烤盤 v.烤
- Dad was grilling chicken in the back yard.

thrill v.n.興奮、刺激
- It gave me a real thrill to see her again after so many years.

spill v.灑出、濺出
- I spilled coffee on my silk shirt.

still adv.仍然、更 a.靜止的、無氣泡的
- The company is hoping to extend its market still further.
- Children find it difficult to sit/stand/stay still for very long.
- Would you like still or sparkling water?

