26. perspective n.觀點
prosepctive a.潛在的客戶/雇主/父母
- We've had three sets of prospective buyers looking at the house.
prospects n.前途
- She's hoping the course will improve her career prospects.
- Prospects of employment remain bleak for most people in the area.
prosperous a.繁榮的、富裕的
- In a prosperous country like this, no one should go hungry.
27. attend v.出席、定期去
- Over two hundred people attended the funeral.
- I attended the classes/seminars/lectures for a month or two.
attendee n.出席者、參與者
attandant n.服務員、隨從 a.伴隨的、隨之產生的
a cloakroom/museum attendant
- There are too many risks attendant on such a large investment of money.
attendance n.出席人數、參與
- Attendances at church are falling.
- Attendance at lectures is compulsory.
in attendance 陪同、照顧
- He never goes out without his security men in attendance.
28. approach n.方法,商談 v.靠近,處理,商談
- The total amount raised so far is approaching $1,000.
- I'm not sure how to approach the problem.
- She's been approached by a modelling agency.
- The hospital is making approaches to local businesses in their bid to raise money.
approachable a.容易親近的、可抵達的
- Albert is always very approachable - why don't you talk the problem over with him?
- It's one of the few lakeside villages approachable by car.
unapprochable a.難以親近的
29. demolish v.拆除
- A number of houses were demolished so that the supermarket could be built.
abolish v.廢除
- I think bullfighting should be abolished.
polish v.n.擦亮、拋磨
- Polish your shoes regularly to protect the leather.
to polish the furniture
vanish v.消失
- Cheap rural housing is vanishing in the south of the country.
relinquish v.放棄、拒絕
- He has relinquished his claim to the throne.
replenish v.使填滿
- Food stocks were replenished by imports from abroad.
30. respective a.各自的
respctable a.值得尊敬的
respectful a.恭敬的
respect v.n.尊敬
in respect of 關於
with respect to 關於
31. inform v.通知
- I informed my boss that I was going to be away next week.
be informed of a.了解情況、增廣見聞的
- It is crucial that a supervisor keeps his or her subordinates informed of their strengths and weaknesses at work so that self-improvement can be achieved.
informative a.提供資訊的
- This is an interesting and highly informative book.
informant n.告密者,提供消息者
Our survey is based on information from over 200 informants.
32. imperative a.急迫的,至關重要的
- The president said it was imperative that the release of all hostages be secured.
33. variation n.變化
- Unemployment rates among white-collar workers show much less regional variation than corresponding rates among blue-collar workers.
variant n.變形,變體
- There are four variants of malaria, all transmitted to humans by a particular family of mosquitoes.
variable a.多變的 n.變數
- British weather is perhaps at its most variable in the spring.
- The data was analysed according to neighbourhoods, but other key variables like credit rating and marital status were ignored altogether.
34. successive a.連續的
- It was the team's fourth successive defeat.
consecutive a.連續的
- This is the fifth consecutive weekend that I've spent working.
executive n.主管、經理、領導階級 a.管理的、高級的
- She is now a senior executive, having worked her way up through the company.
- The executive of the health workers' union accepted the proposed pay increase on behalf of their members.
35. susceptible a.易受影響的
- She isn't very susceptible to flattery.
skeptical a.懷疑的
- Many experts remain skeptical about his claims.
be subject to a.有,承受
- Cars are subject to a high domestic tax.
- In recent years, she has been subject to attacks of depression
36. eligible a.有資格的
- International students who are eligible for the scholarship should submit the application form to the admissions office by March 1st.
ineligible a.無資格的
legible a.清晰易讀的
- Her handwriting is barely legible.
illegible a.不易讀的
edible a.可食用的
inedible a.不可食用的
37. rectify v.修正
- I am determined to take whatever action is necessary to rectify the situation.
verify v.證明
- These numbers are surprisingly high and they'll have to be verified.
- Are you able to verify your account/allegation/report/theory?
verification n.證明
38. entitle v.給與權利
- Normally, our employees are entitled to their first annual leave after working for one year.
39. queue n.隊伍
- There was a queue of people waiting patiently for the bus to arrive.
40. curator n.館長(圖書館、博物館等等)
moderator n.主席,調解者,版主
41. drone n.無人機、嗡嗡聲
- The U. S. Border Patrol's unmanned drone helped agents track down their smuggling suspect.
clone v.n.複製
- Experiments to try to clone human embryos have met with hostility from some sections of the public.
cyclone n.龍捲風、氣旋
42. intelligible a.明白易懂的(文章,語言)
- She was so upset when she spoke that she was hardly intelligible.
intelligent a.聰明的
intellectual a.智力的 n.知識分子
- Looking after a baby at home all day is nice but it doesn't provide much intellectual stimulation.
- She was too much of an intellectual to find popular movies interesting.
43. ground n.地面,理由 v.使停飛,擱淺,禁足
- She is suing the company on grounds of unfair dismissal.
- The snowstorm meant that all planes were grounded.
- My parents grounded me for a week.
44. quality n.品質 a.有品質的
qualified a.合格的
- What makes you think that you are qualified for this job?
qualification n.條件,資格證明
- Some nursing experience is a necessary qualification for this job.
qualitative a.質量的
45. relevant 相關的
- For further information, please refer to the relevant leaflet.
relative n.親戚 a.比較的,相對的
- We weighed up the relative advantages of driving there or going by train.
46. put through v.轉接
- Could you put me through to customer services, please?
47. remote a.遙遠的、偏僻的、遠端的
- This enables you to get remote access to your email.
remote control 遙控器
48. grants n.撥款,補助金
- Underdeveloped countries receive grants from the United Nations to finance various development projects.
49. projection n.預測
- The chief accountant asked to see next year's profit projections so as to start working on the company's budget.
project n.計畫 v.預計、發射、投射
- Government spending is projected to rise by three percent next year.
- 90 percent of the projected missiles will hit their target.
- Laser images were projected onto a screen.
progression n.進程,發展
- Drugs can slow down the progression of the disease.
50. profile n.簡介,影響力
- We need to increase our company's profile in Asia.