126. season n.季節
in season / out of season 當季、非當季的
seasoning n.調味料
seasoned a.經驗老到的
seasonal a.季節性的、當季的
127. unbuckle v.解開
fasten v.繫緊、固定
128. tray n.托盤
129. dairy a.乳製的
dairy-free 無乳的
diary n.日記
lactose-intolerant 乳糖不耐的
130. aisle n.走道 (注意發音 /aɪl/)、通道
- Would you like an aisle seat or would you prefer to be by the window?
131. carousel n.傳送帶(機場行李輸送)
conveyor belt n.傳送帶
132. run errands 跑腿
133. checkout n.結帳處
- Your fruit and vegetables will be weighed at the checkout.
check-up n.健康檢查
- She goes to her doctor for regular check-ups.
check in v.辦理登機、報到、入住
- A representative from the tour company will meet you at the check-in.
paycheck n.工資
134. subsidiary a.次要的 n.子公司
auxiliary 輔助的
135. chronic a.長期的、慢性的
- There is a chronic shortage of teachers.
acute a.急性的、極度的
- The problem of poverty is particularly acute in rural areas.
acute abdominal pains 劇烈腹痛
chronological a.按照時間順序的
- Give me the dates in chronological order.
alphabetical a.按照字母順序的
- The names are published in alphabetical order.
136. validate v.批准、認可
- The data is validated automatically by the computer after it has been entered.
validation n.認證、批准
- Parking is free with validation of your ticket by one of the outlets in the mall.
- The system enables electronic validation of an applicant's identity and certificates.
137. raffle n.抽獎
- I have never won anything in a raffle.
138. reach v.伸手摸到、聯繫、抵達、取得共識
- Make sure that you keep all dangerous substances out of the reach of the children.
- I've been trying to reach you on the phone all day.
- They finally reached the coast after five weeks sailing.
- The jury took four days to reach a verdict.
139. on behalf of sb / on sb's behalf v.代表...、代替...
- On behalf of the entire company, I would like to thank you for all your work.
140. expedite v.加速
- Something needs to be done to expedite the process.
expedition n.考察、探險、加速
- Scott died while he was on an expedition to the Antarctic in 1912.
- We will deal with your order with the greatest possible expedition.
expenditure n.總花費、支出
- The government's annual expenditure on arms has been reduced.
expense n.花費、支付
- We've just had a new garage built at great expense.
141. adjournment n.休會、暫停
- The court's adjournment means that a decision will not be reached until December at the earliest.
142. beckon v.招手、示意、點頭
- The customs official beckoned the woman to his counter.
reckon v.認為、計算
- I reckon it's going to rain.
- She was widely reckoned the best actress of her generation.
- The inflation rate is now reckoned to be 10 percent.
beacon n.燈塔、烽火
- As part of the centenary celebrations a chain of beacons was lit across the region.
143. resort n.旅遊勝地、憑藉
- He got hold of the money legally, without resort to violence.
assortment n.各式各樣、混合
- An unlikely assortment of rock stars and politicians attended the charity concert.
144. stain n.污漬、沾汙
- You can remove a red wine stain from a carpet by sprinkling salt over it.
spot n.汙點、斑點、地點 v.看到、發現
- He had a spot of grease on his tie.
- This looks like a nice spot for a picnic.
- The police spotted him driving a stolen car.
on the spot 在現場、立刻
- The police were called and they were on the spot within three minutes.
145. archive n.檔案 v.歸檔
- These old photographs should go in the family archives.
146. retrieve v.取回、找回
- Computers are used to store and retrieve information efficiently.
147. fetch v.取回、拿來、接送
- Could you fetch my glasses for me from the other room, please?
- I have to fetch my mother from the station.
148. withdraw v.取回、提款、撤退
- This credit card allows you to withdraw up to $500 a day from ATMs.
- The UN has withdrawn its troops from the country.
- Ten million bottles of water had to be withdrawn from sale due to a health scare.
withdrawal n.提款、撤軍、收回
- The bank became suspicious after several large withdrawals were made from his account in a single week.
- Doctors demanded the withdrawal of the drug from the market after several cases of dangerous side-effects were reported.
149. savings n.存款
- He spent all his savings on an expensive car.
- You can make huge savings by buying food in bulk.
150. adjacent a.鄰近的
- They lived in a house adjacent to the railway.